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‘Breathe’ Trailer Introduces Andrew Garfield and Claire Foy Fighting Against the Odds

Andy Serkis’ first movie, Breathe, unveils itself with a first trailer introducing Andrew Garfield and The Crown‘s Claire Foy very much in love in a true-to-life tale about a fight against the odds in the face of disability.

Sure to be a tearjerker, the film is based on the real love story between Robin (Garfield) and Diana Cavendish (Foy), an adventurous couple who, after Robin is being given only 3 months to live at age 28 as he contracted polio – which left him paralyzed from the neck down – defied medical experts and became pioneer advocates for the disabled.

“I want to truly live,” says Garfield’s Robin Cavendish, who was the father of the biographical film’s producer, Jonathan Cavendish (also co-founder of The Imaginarium Studios with Andy Serkis). Aside from being an important medical aid developer and crusader, Cavendish’s father also became one of the the longest-living polio survivors in Great Britain.

According to the film, what helped Cavendish stay strong was the love of his devoted wife, Diana, who traveled the world with the hopes of transforming the lives of others like him.

The cast of this truly inspiring movie also includes Hugh Bonneville, Dean-Charles Chapman, Miranda Raison, Stephen Mangan, and Tom Hollander.

Breathe is set to premiere during the 2017 London Film Festival and opens in theatres on October 13.