The Big Picture

The Boss Baby

Some could say Alec Baldwin is once again playing the character of an obvious baby who acts like he’s God for Dream Works’ new animated production, The Boss Baby. Unfortunately for those with such expectations, the movie has little to do with politics, and much more with family bonds.

For the film, Baldwin lends his voice to ‘The Boss’, a baby on a mission to prevent puppies from receiving more love than babies who can talk like an adult and wears a suit. Tim Templeton (voiced by Tobey Maguire as an adult and Miles Christopher Bakshi as a child) becomes very upset when his parents (voiced by Jimmy Kimmel and Lisa Kudrow) bring back home ‘The Boss’ as his new little brother, and starts being jealous of the affection the baby is receiving.

So, is The Boss Baby just an innocent family comedy or does it succeed in being more? Let’s dive into the reviews’ most-shared opinions…

A snappy script supported by a master of comedy

Described as a “wildly funny, original and entertaining flick for all ages,” The Boss Baby offers the audience an Alec Baldwin “in comic beast mode,” who “doesn’t miss a beat, barking out orders and obviously having a great time bringing this kid to life,” in the meantime proving he’s “a master of comic timing.” Written by Michael McCullers (Austin Powers), the screenplay “delivers the entertaining goods while addressing universal truths about family bonds and the fertile, limitless boundaries of a child’s imagination,” by being supported by an “honest and organic” storytelling.

A visually dynamic production at the service of a touching story

“Bright and imaginative,” many of the sequences in the movie are “technically impressive and visually dynamic,” although the director and screenwriter often seem “too preoccupied piling on chase and action scenes to exploit their title’s potential to its fullest.” Nevertheless, the story turns out to be “a delightful blend of clever and tender that’s certain to tickle audiences of all ages and stages,” by “addressing universal truths about family bonds and the fertile, limitless boundaries of a child’s imagination.”

The best quotes from the reviews:

“Even Donald Trump will find nothing to complain about.” – Pete Hammond, Deadline

“A cinematic pacifier.” – David Fear, Rolling Stone